Friday, May 18, 2012

Online Quizzes/Tests

As most people are aware testing is a major focus in education. Students and Teachers are pressured to score well on standardized testing. I wish this was not the case but it is the reality. As a teacher forced to focus on testing I have attempted to make sure my students are comfortable taking tests.  My favorite technology resource for testing is called QuizStar.

What Does QuizStar Do?

QuizStar is a free and easy to use online program. After creating a FREE online account a teacher can upload student rosters for each period and create customized tests. See website description below

  • Create a Class
Our quiz creator allows you to design multimedia quizzes in different formats, including multiple choice, true/false, and short answer. You can also input different language characters.
  • Create a Quiz
Our quiz creator allows you to design multimedia quizzes in different formats including multiple choice, true/false, and short answer and in different languages.
  • Administer the Quiz
Registered students can complete the quiz online, during a time span you set.
  • View Results
Quizzes are graded automatically, and results can be analyzed in multiple formats, including by class, student, and question. Reports can be saved, printed or downloaded in an Excel file.

Why I Like QuizStar

I like QuizStar over other online test generator programs because the test/quizzes a teacher creates can be:
  • customizable
  • randomized
  • timed
  • monitored with individualized reports on each student
  • set to have a certain number of attempts
  • made available for a particular window of time
  • can include pictures in the questions
  • multiple choice/ true false/ short answer

What Is The Downside

The only issue I have with QuizStar is that you cannot upload tests that you already have. So if you have a 50 question test you have to copy and paste each question and distracter into the boxes. But I usually have my TA do this for me J.


When I have my students take online quizzes before their actual unit test, students do significantly better. The biggest improvement I see are with my English Language Learner students. These students are allowed to take the practice test up to ten times. Overall I highly recommend using QuizStar.

Let me know in the comment section how you would use QuizStar in your classroom

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